This continued until '94 when Clinton banned all AK/SKS variants from China.Kalashnikov Concern and various others including Norinco After the '89 ban, Norinco started to export MAK-90 (Modified AK), and NHM-91 (Nation Match) models in thumbhole stocks. The '89 ban stopped these from coming in, but very few dealer samples got in. There's also a Type 88 using 5.45mm that Norinco tried to market in the US. These were aimed at exporting to countries already using the 5.56. There's also the Type 84 which use 5.56mm NATO. All three variants use the Euro pattern bayonet.
Soviet ak 47 serial number location full#
Type 56 full stocked, Type 56-1 underfolding stock, and Type 56-2 side folding stock.

There are 3 basic kinds of Norinco in 7.62.

Technically Norinco AKs are closer to 'military exports' than PolyTech, since these were made along side of the full auto military versions they sell to foreign nations. Their exports tend to be of a lesser quality than PolyTech, probably due to the volume of AKs they make each year. Norinco sells conventional arms in every category, from small arms, mines, rockets, anti-tank/anti-ship/anti-air missiles, armored vehicles, to even short/medium range land-based missile systems. NORINCO, or Northern Industrial Company, is the commercial arm of the Chinese Army, the PLA (People's Liberation Army). More than 100 million Kalashnikov rifles have now been sold worldwide. It can also be built relatively easily - 'in any workshop,' he said. The Kalashnikov quickly became prized for its sturdy reliability in difficult field conditions. Mr Kalashnikov started working on his rifle in 1947, driven to design by Soviet defeats in the early years of World War II at the hands of far better-armed German soldiers. Instead, he created a rifle that has become an iconic brand, as symbolic of Russia as vodka and fur coats, and the weapon of choice of guerrillas and dozens of armies around the world.

'If I hadn't taken part in the war, I would probably have made technology to ease the tough work of the peasants,' said Mr Kalashnikov, who grew up in a peasant family in the remote Altai mountain region by the Mongolian border. 'It was the Germans who turned me into an arms designer,' Mikhail Kalashnikov, 87, said at celebrations in Moscow of the 60th anniversary of the creation of his AK-47 automatic rifle. With his shock of white hair, brown sandals and hearing aid, the designer of the world's deadliest assault rifle took a philosophical outlook as he celebrated his invention's 60th anniversary on Friday. Tanzania, Togo, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, Turkmenistan, Uganda, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, the Philippines, Finland, Croatia, Czechia, Sweden, Sri Lanka, Equatorial Guinea, Estonia, Ethiopia, South Africa and Yugoslavia. Since 1990, after the breakup of the USSR and Socialis Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, the Kalashnikov small arms have been extensively or partially operational in the armies, used by special-task forces or manufactured for export to the following countries: Albania, Azerbaijan, Algeria, Armenia, Angola, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Belarus, Benin, Bulgaria, Bolivia, Bosnia, and Herzegovina, Botswana, Hungary, Vietnam, Gabon, Ghana, Guatemala, Guinea, Guinea - Bissau, Haiti, Gambia, Guyana, Honduras, Georgia, Djibouti, Egypt, Zaire, Zambia, Zimbabwe, North Yemen, South Yemen, Israel, India, Indonesia, Jordan, Iraq, Iran, Italy, Kazakhstan, Campuchia, Cape Verde, China, Qatar, Colombia, Comoros, Congo, North Korea, Cuba, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Latvia, Lesotho, Lebanon, Lybia, Lithuania, Mauritania, Madagascar, Macedonia, Mali, Maldives, Malta, Morocco, Mozambique, Moldova, Namibia, Nigeria, the Netherlands, Nicaragua, United Arab Emirates, Pakistan, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Romania, Swaziland, Sao Tome and Principe, Seychelles, Slovakia, Slavonia, Syria, Somali, Sudan, Surinam, Sierra Leone, Tajikistan. The automatic weapons of the Kalashnikov system are widely used the world over.